Six Tiles from an Educational Symbaloo Webmix
Symbaloo is a surprisingly popular and useful bookmarking tool. It’s a type of sharable social media which is particularly popular in education. People curate resources on a topic and then share it with others.
With Symbaloo, anyone create a collection of links organized into a Webmix. Each link is presented as a tile which can just be a plain color or a fancy graphic. A webmix can be embedded onto a computer desktop or a teacher or schools webpage.
For the convenience of teachers and parents, here’s a collection of webmixes :
Kindergarten free educational resources
1st Grade free educational resources
2nd Grade free educational resources
3rd grade free educational resources
4th grade free educational resources
5th grade free educational resources
homeschoolwebsites educational resources
Elementary Science
Science Songs
VocabularySpellingCity Games & Resources
I was blown away my self when I first explored Symbaloo. Your work hepeld me create a great tool for my students. One of the amazing things is the fact that there is such an abundance! I would never be able to visit all the links, not even if tried all day long and all year long!It can take some time to get a handle on adding your own links and tiles but I hope no one feels they have to do the heavy lifting. You can get along just fine by simply adding the #kinderchat resources. They are wonderful, as are you Matt Gomez =P
Matt, Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by….