Sentence Writing Practice
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What? A sentence is a complete thought. It is a basic form of written communication. More...Less
It has specific structure that includes rules regarding punctuation, capitalization, spelling, subject/verb agreement, and context. Students need constant practice writing proper sentences, and teachers’ lesson plans on writing can start with sentence writing practice activities.
When? As soon as a child has a complete thought, she or he can speak a complete sentence. More...Less
However, instruction on sentence writing should happen as students are able to recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence, such as the first word, capitalization and ending punctuation. In second grade, students should be learning how to create, expand and rearrange simple and compound sentences.
How to teach: Sentence writing needs to be explicitly taught to students, giving them multiple opportunities to practice. More...Less
Sentence writing lesson plans must include simple rules regarding capitalization and ending punctuation, and progress to including more complicated grammatical and structural considerations. Sentence Writing Practice is an interactive activity that lets students practice keyboarding skills as well as their sentence writing skills.
Play to learn: Sentence Writing Practice is a flexible learning activity that allows students to do many things with their spelling and vocabulary words. More...Less
Depending upon the instructions left by the teacher, students will write a sentence or definition, a synonym or antonym, a riddle or an analogy for each one of their spelling or vocabulary words. Students can have their sentences read back to them, and edit their word before submitting the assignment to the teacher to be graded electronically.
Teaching Tip: Teachers can select from five preset writing assignments (write a sentence or definition, a synonym or antonym, a riddle or an analogy), or create their own instructions for their students. More...Less
Teachers can also include short instructional videos in the instructions for students to view as a reminder of skills which have been taught. These videos support skills like subject/verb agreement, commas, declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences.